How do i make it so a first person camera cant look up or down

I’m working on a first person game but i need to make it so the player cant look up or down, just left and right. How would i go about doing this?

Set the rotation of the camera’s Y axis to 0.

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hello, first you need to copy the player module while testing, after that stop the testing mode and paste it back to the playerscripts in editing mode.
then open “BaseCamera” :
Line 31 and 32:

local MIN_Y = math.rad(-80)
local MAX_Y = math.rad(80)

these lines change your max rotation vertically. making them 0 will do what you want.

for those who want to just LIMIT your rotation and dont lock it entirely, try -30 and 30 and tweak them according to your needs. min_y has to be negative and the other one has to be positive

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This reminds me of Baldi’s Basics!


Should be the X axis but besides that it would look glitchy as well.

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