im using surface lights and have shadows enabled on. ive tried to stop it from going through the ground but i have no idea how to fix this. what way is there for me to have the lighting not go through floors on compatibility mode?
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Iām pretty sure its just the way the lighting works.
I dont think there is any solution to this. I may be wrong but I am almost certain there is no solution unless you change the Technology
Ive checked it out for you right now using 2 rooms with one room equiped with a SurfaceLight
to see if theres any solution using Compatibility
Here is when the surface light with a range of 15.287
which hits the wall perfectly with Shadows
enabled but light enters into the other room:
Here is when I decreased the light range to 7.654
which does not hit the surface of the wall and the light shining against the wall is quite faint. However the light does not go into the other room: