How do i Make Moths around a light

Hello, I wanted to make moths that move around a light.
is it possible? if so could you teach me how?

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Look. I have no experience in Cframe or vector to make it smooth. The easiest way for you is

while true do 
(mothlocationhere).Transparency = 0 
(mothlocationhere). Transparency = 1 

(2ndpositionmothhere).Transparency = 0 

And so on.

I could create this for you, free of charge, obviously, as an example.

what does transparency have to do with moth movements

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A lazy way of adding moths would be to add a BodyPosition/AlignPosition constraint underneath a moth model, and setting the target to a lamp. You then make the physics constraint overcompensate and make the moth non-collidable.

I have a script and a model you can use that rotates the objects in a circular pattern around any object, and its super smooth…

It is just a cylindrical constraint with one attachment to your moth mesh, and another attachment to an invisible center (your fire) that it would revolve around. You can change the shape and size of the circular path it rotates around.

alright, If ok could you add a link for it.

Just change out the fish for your moths.

Let me know when you download so i can unshare it please.

alright, Unshare it. I got the idea.(do i delete it from my account?)

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1 word: particle emitters… okay maybe two words but still

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No you can use it. Once its in your studio, u can do what you want with it.

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