How do I make music on stop for the local plr?

I have a music system in Replicated STorage and setttings.

Once a player selects turn off I would would then from a local script acess Replicated Storage and make the volume 0.

Before I begun this I started thinking this would not work because would it just shut off music for everyone?

If you apply the changes client side(from a local script) in your case music.Volume it will only apply to that client although if you apply the changes from the server(normal script) it will replicate to all clients. You can easily test that by going to the TEST tab and starting a local server with 2 players.

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So then my thought processes was right??

Yes, because you need to know that if you make the changes to a server script and a client turns off the music, the music will turn off for all other clients, so if you do it through a local script, then the music will only be will turn off for the local player and not for the others.

@NyrionDev is correct. You can also use SoundGroups.