How do I make my boat float? (repro)

boat.rbxl (243.0 KB)
(Nobody steal my boat pls)

I’m trying to make my boat float, but I just can’t seem to figure it out. I tried fooling around with the density and other properties, and while it is technically floating it always looks weird. I need it to uniformly float, and without the water being visible in the bottom part of the ship. I’d love some help from somebody :slight_smile:

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Are you looking for it to lean around and such when weight distribution changes, or just hold still and flat?

Just hold still. I seem to have fixed it though by adjusting the size of the parts… Now I’ve been trying to make it move and steer.

you always can try a body position and then on 4 corners of the boat. and then only use the Y position of them.


Yeah, I fooled around with that and got it to float earlier, but changing the size seems to have fixed it for me.

I would use BodyVelocity and BodyAngularVelocity for ships like this then. If you have questions with this, I’m pretty experienced with it and can answer questions you have.


Awesome, thanks!

I have made a new thread for my steering problem. The issue isn’t how to move the boat, it’s determining where I need to move it:

Mess around with Bouyancy and the Density in the properties menu. Worked for my submarines and boats.

I would unanchor it and uhmmmm wire it all , But Theres also a way to do it with scripting But I cant script.