Hey, so I’m creating this fence building thing where you can create fences around a foundation and it works!
But the main problem is that when my mouse is moving to a new atttachment but then I make it go out of the 3 stud range, the fence just kind of stays in place where it was moving too and it looks really weird, whats an approach to fix this?
This is the code where I handle the logic
local attachment = Instance.new("Attachment")
attachment.Visible = true
attachment.Parent = workspace.Foundation
local cframeoffset = CFrame.new()
local unitray = camera:ScreenPointToRay(mouse.X, mouse.Y)
local raycast = workspace:Raycast(unitray.Origin, unitray.Direction * 100, params)
if raycast then
for _, CFrameValue in ipairs(grid:GetDescendants()) do
if CFrameValue:IsA("CFrameValue") then
local distance = (raycast.Position - CFrameValue.Value.Position).Magnitude
if distance <= 3 then
local closestCFrameValue : CFrameValue = CFrameValue
local finalCFrame
attachment.WorldCFrame = closestCFrameValue.Value
if closestCFrameValue.Parent.Parent.Name == "Back" or closestCFrameValue.Parent.Parent.Name == "Right" then
finalCFrame = attachment.WorldCFrame + Vector3.new(0, fenceExtents.Y / 2 + 0.5, 0) + attachment.WorldCFrame.LookVector * fenceExtents.Z / 2
finalCFrame = attachment.WorldCFrame + Vector3.new(0, fenceExtents.Y / 2 + 0.5, 0) + attachment.WorldCFrame.LookVector * -fenceExtents.Z / 2
cframeoffset = cframeoffset:Lerp(finalCFrame, dt * 15)
Well not intentionally I only check if the mouse distance and the foundation attachment is less than 3 studs and then I allow everything to happen, but like I’m wanting it to like maybe follow through or go back to the last attachment?
it appears that the issue lies with the for loop iterating through the CFrameValue objects. Currently, the code only updates the fence’s position when a CFrameValue within the range is found. Below script may not work.
local attachment = Instance.new("Attachment")
attachment.Visible = true
attachment.Parent = workspace.Foundation
local cframeoffset = CFrame.new()
local unitray = camera:ScreenPointToRay(mouse.X, mouse.Y)
local raycast = workspace:Raycast(unitray.Origin, unitray.Direction * 100, params)
local closestDistance = math.huge
local closestCFrameValue = nil
if raycast then
for _, CFrameValue in ipairs(grid:GetDescendants()) do
if CFrameValue:IsA("CFrameValue") then
local distance = (raycast.Position - CFrameValue.Value.Position).Magnitude
if distance <= 3 and distance < closestDistance then
closestDistance = distance
closestCFrameValue = CFrameValue
if closestCFrameValue then
attachment.WorldCFrame = closestCFrameValue.Value
local finalCFrame
if closestCFrameValue.Parent.Parent.Name == "Back" or closestCFrameValue.Parent.Parent.Name == "Right" then
finalCFrame = attachment.WorldCFrame + Vector3.new(0, fenceExtents.Y / 2 + 0.5, 0) + attachment.WorldCFrame.LookVector * fenceExtents.Z / 2
finalCFrame = attachment.WorldCFrame + Vector3.new(0, fenceExtents.Y / 2 + 0.5, 0) + attachment.WorldCFrame.LookVector * -fenceExtents.Z / 2
cframeoffset = cframeoffset:Lerp(finalCFrame, dt * 15)
-- Handle the case when the mouse is outside the range
-- Example: fence:PivotTo(originalPosition)
-- Replace "originalPosition" with the appropriate value
Ok so If I am understanding this code correctly, it basically finds the closestDistance and closestCFrameValue and then outside of if the raycast hit it checks if there is a closestCFrameValue and if there is it does all the placement logic?
Alright I used Gulp’s formatted code and then just added a new variable to keep track of the old cframe and when the mouse isnt near it then i just put it back to the old cframe