How do I make my character orbit a certain part?

I’m trying to make a 3dmg from Attack on Titan, I have the grapple thing figured out but idk how to make it orbit or strafe

This is what I have right now:

You could do this via CFrame, or tweening, or old physics objects, or new physics constraints.

I think the new physics constraints would be the most satisfying way to do it.

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To go along with this, I used physics constraints in my game to make a fire pole, and the results were perfect. CylindricalConstraints are what you’ll probably need.

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I third using CylindricalConstraints!

local constraint ="CylindricalConstraint", player.Character.HumanoidRootPart)
local attachment0 ="Attachment", player.Character.HumanoidRootPart)
local attachment1 ="Attachment", target) --change target to whatever your target is
constraint.Attachment0 = attachment0
constraint.Attachment1 = attachment1
constraint.Size = --you'll have to mess with this yourself. probably decrease size over time to make the player approach the target
--make sure to constraint:Destroy() when the player ungrapples

That is a really basic way to create a constraint within a script. If it doesnt work there’s some really geometry intensive ways to make the player orbit the target part, but that is something I’ll only work out for you if the constraints don’t work :stuck_out_tongue: