How do I make my character weigh the same way Parts do?

Mass will be an important factor in my game, and I want all players to have a specific weight.
So I did some testing, weighing different parts etc., and when I tried to weigh my character, I found that it has seemingly no weight:

The only forces acting on the “scales” are from my character walking or falling, but there seems to be no force applied to them from my weight.

I did some more tests, and found out that my character is just very light, but then when I increased the Density of its HumanoidRootPart, nothing happened — aside from forces from walking and jumping being multiplied. But the weight has not changed at all…

(note: I made a mistake; my HRP’s Mass in the video above is not 10, it is 40. Its Density is 10)

I would want to make my character physically behave like normal parts — so I could reliably control its Mass — while still having exactly the same visual appearance and functionality. But right now Humanoid’s dark magic seems to be working against me, and I’m clueless how I could counter it…

I counted masses of all my character’s parts (aside from accoutrements, since they’re massless), and my character’s total weight should be 13.159, but I assume Humanoid negates all of it :confused:


Is the Massless box checked off in each Part of your character during test mode?

You can probably try messing around with customproperty or whatever its called to change the density and stuff


Set all parts to massless/make sure it contributes no mass then set only the mass/density of the humanoidrootpart


Go the hacky route and force a “gravity” force onto the character by setting all parts to massless, then using a type of body mover or constraint to push the character down with whatever force amount you specify. Probably completely useless method here but doesn’t hurt if the two above don’t work :man_shrugging: (I think)

OR OR OR (an even more hacky and probably more useless method)

Make all parts massless, set density to 0, then use :getmass() to check if its 0 mass, if not for some reason, then use :getmass() to get the mass of the character, get a body mover then make it equal to that of the mass to cancel out the force, then use another force or use the same force and adjust to push character down. Hacky as hacks can be hacked but idk.

(Nvm scottifly’s suggetion makes more sense, this comment is now completely useless)


Or have you tried the hack route of welding a Part with the Mass of 13.16 to your character?

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I’m not sure how that’s supposed to help with my character’s being too light, as making its parts lighter/massless would decrease its mass and make things even worse :confused:
I want the character to actually weigh something reasonable, not for it to have no mass at all (which isn’t exactly possible, since Massless property is ignored if no parts in an assembly have mass)

Setting HRP’s Mass via Density property (or welding a part with a certain mass to it) has no effect on the character’s weight, as I’ve already shown in my second video in OP. The only thing that changes is the amount force applied when my character is jumping or walking.
I can make the mass of HRP to be say… 400, and it still wouldn’t outweigh a small part with mass of 0.7…

Didn’t really make anything massless, but I tried adding a VectorForce to my character’s HRP, and funnily enough, it seems to trigger something and makes my character feel like it’s physically there. It even works if the VectorForce has no force set, and is just enabled:

Honestly, it doesn’t even seem hacky. If anything, it’s undoing the hacks done by the Humanoid.

I’m gonna need to do more testing, to make sure it actually functions like normal parts do, but so far it looks good. Thanks!