How to fix "Sliding" on scaled-down characters?

In my game I let players scale their R15 character down to about ~.3 size.
When walking or running around at this size, the humanoid “slides” when stopping or changing directions, almost like the player were on ice and the friction was being set lower than normal.

I’ve tested out manually adjusting the Humanoid’s HipHeight but it looks like the auto-set height after scaling is the ideal height for physics & least amount of sliding. I would love to be able to remove this strange sliding effect! Any help appreciated :blush:

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No one else out there run into this issue/have a fix for it? :frowning:

The only reference I could find was here, Small Humanoids control like ice - #4 by inHeadspace , and I don’t see any fixes for the issue

Ah another thread gives a workaround Were Humanoid physics changed recently? - #13 by konlon15

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Hey, just got allowed to post on here. I found a bandaid fix is to just weld a invisible part too yourself while small. Mine has a default vector force inside it but im unsure if that has anything to do with the workaround.

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Interesting… do you have more details? Is this welded invisible part collidable, what’s its size, position, etc?
What do you mean by default vector force? A BodyForce?
A code snippet would be helpful just to see all these details, thanks!

I’ve been using @konlon15’s custom physical properties fix with good results. Barely any players are reporting “sliding” anymore

Okay, so first off the part isnt collidable.
its named “Blue” and is in replicatedStorage

its size is (0.75, 0.75, 0.625)

I just added a object called “VectorForce” to the part “Blue” (part thats welded to you)

I put all of this inside a spawnpoint rather than on player join so they get a new block and resize every time they spawn.

local part = game.Workspace.SpawnLocation
local org = game.ReplicatedStorage.Blue
local iftrue = false
local Players = game:GetService("Players")

	local playerName = game.Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(hit.Parent).UserId
	local Humanoid = hit.Parent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid")
	local HumanoidShield = Humanoid.Parent:FindFirstChild("ForceField")
	if Humanoid and HumanoidShield and iftrue==false then
		iftrue = true
		Humanoid.WalkSpeed = 4
		local HS = Humanoid.HeadScale
		local BDS = Humanoid.BodyDepthScale
		local BWS = Humanoid.BodyWidthScale
		local BHS = Humanoid.BodyHeightScale
		HS.Value = .15
		BDS.Value = .15
		BWS.Value = .15
		BHS.Value = .15
		local org = game.ReplicatedStorage.Blue
		local rk = org:Clone()
		rk.Name = "Player".."/"..playerName
		rk.Parent = workspace
		local head = hit.Parent.Head
		local weld ="Weld")
		weld.Part0 = head
		weld.part1 = rk
		weld.Parent = script.Parent
		rk.Anchored = false
		rk.Transparency = 1
		--rk.Parent = hit.Parent
		iftrue = false

Mostly got the idea from This post I believe where a commenter suggested just welding a part onto the player.

I dont think the vector force actually does anything, but it dosent seem to hurt so ive left it as is


What I did to fix that issue, I used a bodyVelocity, to force the character go to that direction, controlling the sliding effect with MaxForce.

Let me show you
I don’t apply the force in Y, because the character will start flying. :sweat:

local BodyVelocity ="BodyVelocity", Player.Character.PrimaryPart)
local ControlModule = require(Player:WaitForChild "PlayerScripts" :WaitForChild "PlayerModule" :WaitForChild "ControlModule" )

	local MoveVector = ControlModule:GetMoveVector().Magnitude
	local MoveDir = script.Parent:FindFirstChildOfClass("Humanoid").MoveDirection
	local Hum = script.Parent:FindFirstChildOfClass("Humanoid")

	if MoveVector <= 0 then
		BodyVelocity.Velocity =
		BodyVelocity.MaxForce =,0,5) -- More force means he's going to stop very suddenly
		local xForce =  (Hum.WalkSpeed*MoveDir.X)
		local zForce =  (Hum.WalkSpeed*MoveDir.Z)
		BodyVelocity.MaxForce =,0,10) -- The higher it is the more you apply so it won't slide.
		BodyVelocity.Velocity =, 0, zForce)

Here’s what it look like in a game with small character that used to slide.

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Okay sorry I was wrong, here’s a good script to stop character from sliding:
This one changes your friction and weight. (density)

local Player = game.Players.LocalPlayer
	for i,v in pairs(script.Parent:GetDescendants()) do
		if v:IsA("BasePart") then
			v.CustomPhysicalProperties =, 2, .5, 100, 1)
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