Hello everyone! I’m in mid of making a stealth game tutorial, here on devforum dot com.
I’m trying to make the detection bar, and I’ve managed to make it go up when they are in detection conditions flawlessly. Now, I have to make it go down once they’re not, and I’m having quite a hard time.
This is the best result I’ve got:
Here’s the script: (I edited out the rest of the script)
local function onRenderStepped(dt: number)
-- detection bar part
if isDetecting then -- if detecting
if crouching then
detectionRate = distance / 2
detectionRate = distance / 100
-- add our detection rate to the current detection + clamping it
detection = math.clamp(detection + detectionRate,0,100)
if not detectionBarGui.Enabled then
-- if our gui is not showing up, make it show
detectionBarGui.Enabled = true
if detection >= maxDetection then
-- if we're at at max detection
detected = true
-- TODO make our enemies react
-- resize our detection bar, dividing the detection by the max detection
detectionBarGuiBar.Size = UDim2.new(1,0,-(detection/maxDetection),0)
-- we are not being detected
if detectionBarGuiBar.Size ~= UDim2.new(1,0,0,0) then
detection = math.clamp(detection - detectionRate,0,100)
-- making our bar go down
detectionBarGuiBar.Size = UDim2.new(1,0,detection/maxDetection,0)
elseif detectionBarGui.Enabled then
-- if our gui is showing, make it not show anymore
detectionBarGui.Enabled = false
distance is the distance between the player and dummy;
crouching is wherever the player is crouching or not;
Ok so, why not try to make it so it starts from the current size it is and let tween it down say for example:
The detection bar goes half way when you aren’t detected anymore you tween the size from the size of the frame when you weren’t detect anymore to your desired size.
you could also do something like a made shift healthbar. so when you’re detected it increases the value in which the frame increases its size to the value of the numbervalue and when you aren’t detected it starts decreases the value slowly which in turn decreases the size of the frame
Indeed, I am using it. I have to figure out what to change here
detection = math.clamp(detection - detectionRate,0,100)
-- making our bar go down
detectionBarGuiBar.Size = UDim2.new(1,0,detection/maxDetection,0)
I don’t need any methods of changing the size or whatever, only what calculations for it to properly go down.