But if you notice, there is a delay which becomes more noticeable as the script runs. I’ve figured out that it is simply because the script is drawing lines which have already been drawn. I have thought about how to fix this for a while but have come up with nothing. Does anyone know how to fix this?
local currebtP = workspace["1"].Position -- current position
local currentA = 0 -- current angle
local num = 1 -- number of points
local points = {}
workspace["1"].Transparency = 1
workspace["1"].Size = Vector3.new(.03,.03,.03)
function createLine(pos1, pos2) -- draw line between two positions
local line = Instance.new("Part")
line.Anchored = true
line.CanCollide = false
line.Parent = workspace
line.Material = Enum.Material.Neon
line.Name = 'line'
line.TopSurface = "SmoothNoOutlines"
line.BottomSurface = "SmoothNoOutlines"
local distance = (pos1 - pos2).magnitude
line.Size = Vector3.new(0.01, 0.01, distance)
line.CFrame = CFrame.new(pos1, pos2) * CFrame.new(0, 0, -distance / 2)
function createPoint(radius, line) -- (distance between points, draw line between points?[true/false])
num = num + 1
local part = Instance.new("Part", workspace)
part.Name = num
part.Size = Vector3.new(.03,.03,.03)
part.BrickColor = BrickColor.new("Baby blue")
part.Material = Enum.Material.Neon
part.Anchored = true
table.insert(points, part)
local angle = math.rad(currentA)
local origin = currebtP
local newP = origin + Vector3.new(math.sin(angle)*radius,0,math.cos(angle)*radius)
part.Position = newP
currebtP = newP
if line == true then
createLine(workspace[tostring(num-1)].Position, workspace[tostring(num)].Position) -- connect previous point and current point with line
function turn(x)
currentA = currentA + x
sides = 15 -- pick polygons number of sides
exteriorAngle = 360/sides
for x = 1,sides do -- Create polygon
createPoint(sides/(sides/3), true)
for k,v in pairs(points) do -- connect all corners to all other corners with line
for k,x in pairs(points) do
createLine(v.Position, x.Position)
Do you have a While True do Statement, because if you do, then it might be repeating over & over again?
Another reason for this is maybe you need a couple of more lines to stop the action before ending the script so that it wouldn’t start over & over again. I don’t know the line to stop an action, but try to make sure that it won’t go one forever without stopping.
That is what I know so far, I’ll update this in case I might know more about this cause, I hope I answered your question!
Note; I would see how to find out how to stop a looping script with parts, anyway, I hope I helped!
If the line fragment has already been drawn or inserted, then either stop drawing on that certain area & find one that hasn’t been made
Because if it does already exist, then it has to stop, and if the line doesn’t have that certain lines, then it will think there isn’t a line, then it will draw over it. So I think the script you have should detect the line so it won’t overlap or any weird patterns.
I hope I helped a little since I haven’t really know how to stop parts from forming over another part.
I believe simply reducing the number of points it loops through each times should fix it.
I can’t test it right now due to the Roblox Server issues, but try this:
workspace["1"].Transparency = 1
workspace["1"].Size = Vector3.new(.03,.03,.03)
function createLine(pos1, pos2) -- draw line between two positions
local line = Instance.new("Part")
line.Anchored = true
line.CanCollide = false
line.Parent = workspace
line.Material = Enum.Material.Neon
line.Name = 'line'
line.TopSurface = "SmoothNoOutlines"
line.BottomSurface = "SmoothNoOutlines"
local distance = (pos1 - pos2).magnitude
line.Size = Vector3.new(0.01, 0.01, distance)
line.CFrame = CFrame.new(pos1, pos2) * CFrame.new(0, 0, -distance / 2)
function createPoint(radius, line) -- (distance between points, draw line between points?[true/false])
num = num + 1
local part = Instance.new("Part", workspace)
part.Name = num
part.Size = Vector3.new(.03,.03,.03)
part.BrickColor = BrickColor.new("Baby blue")
part.Material = Enum.Material.Neon
part.Anchored = true
table.insert(points, part)
local angle = math.rad(currentA)
local origin = currebtP
local newP = origin + Vector3.new(math.sin(angle)*radius,0,math.cos(angle)*radius)
part.Position = newP
currebtP = newP
if line == true then
createLine(workspace[tostring(num-1)].Position, workspace[tostring(num)].Position) -- connect previous point and current point with line
function turn(x)
currentA = currentA + x
sides = 15 -- pick polygons number of sides
exteriorAngle = 360/sides
for x = 1,sides do -- Create polygon
createPoint(sides/(sides/3), true)
local connectedPoints = -1 -- starts at -1, so that in the first loop it'll start at 0
for k,v in pairs(points) do -- connect all corners to all other corners with line
connectedPoints = connectedPoints + 1 -- increase the amount of connected points
for i=1, #points-connectedPoints do -- loops 1 to # of points - connectedPoints
createLine(v.Position, points[i].Position) -- instead of x, points[i]
edit: also, like @PirateOnThePlank said, you should move this to #development-support:scripting-support
First of all, to me it seems like the speed is still the same for all points, it’s just that the absence of visual confirmation of each drawn line is what causes you to think it’s slower, the script moves from one point to another at the same speed.
However, I assume you want the script to form the polygon as fast as possible, so here goes.
Addressing the problem: Premade Connections
A line drawn to A from B can either be thought of AB or BA, meaning the same line corresponds to 2 lines, one from each point. To avoid making two lines in the same place, we can attempt to save which connections have already been made
local lines = {}
for _, p1 in pairs (points) do
for _, p2 in pairs(points) do
if not p2 == p1 then -- Don't draw line to itself
if not lines[p2] or not lines[p2][p1] then -- We check for lines
-- we need to check for only p2 -> p1 and not for p1 -> p2 as well
-- since they are either both there or none are
createLine(p1.Position, p2.Position)
-- Register new line
lines[p1][p2] = true
lines[p2][p1] = true
I haven’t tested this script but I believe it would work right, on another note, please shift those post to #development-support:scripting-support
Is it throwing an error at lines[p1][p2] = true?
It would throw something like attempt to index a nil value
Here’s another fix
local lines = {}
for _, p1 in pairs (points) do
lines[p1] = {}
for _, p2 in pairs(points) do
if not lines[p2] then
lines[p2] = {}
if not p2 == p1 then -- Don't draw line to itself
if not lines[p2] or not lines[p2][p1] then -- We check for lines
-- we need to check for only p2 -> p1 and not for p1 -> p2 as well
-- since they are either both there or none are
createLine(p1.Position, p2.Position)
-- Register new line
lines[p1][p2] = true
lines[p2][p1] = true