How do I make my game 13+ restricted?

Yes, it passes through all the guidelines. But I don’t think it’s allowed for xbox users just because of it can be disturbing for users under 13.

If you’re worried that your game isn’t appropriate for console, you can set which platforms can access your game in its settings:


People can fake birthdays. Theres no point in trying to prevent younger users from playing the game. Maybe you should pick a different direction.


I also don’t want it to be playable for kids under 13 though…

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Is there someway I can at least try to filter it to under 13?

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I don’t really think there is any way to restrict access to 13+ people.

There is a feature request to maybe filter it in the future.

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Just what @KeysOfFate mentioned, there is actually no way to prevent this. A kid could easily lie about their age.

Currently, there is no way to track a player’s set birthday. This likely wouldn’t become a feature either, because of personal information and security reasons.


you could make a place that you join into telling to say 12345, and if the chat sees ##### it will kick you out, if the chat sees 12345, then it teleports you to the place where the game is played at.

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This isn’t a efficient system because servers see through the tags. If you take a look at admin commands let’s say you made a game with Kohls Admin and then played it with someone named 192019, but you were under 13 or even if your over it can tag. Then let’s say that 192 dude started exploiting and you said !kick 192 then it would come out as !kick ###, but the person will still be kicked because the server saw through the tags.

Hello @doyouevenbruh33!

I do realize your struggle in having users below 13+ playing the game.

However these are reasons it might not work:

  • Most people below 13+ fake their birthday so it says they’re older, when they’re not.
  • The majority of Roblox has age friendly games that should be able to use for anyone.

If you don’t know what is and what isn’t allowed for Roblox games check here:

or you can search up your specific topic on the dev forum!

On another note, if you don’t mind me asking. What is the “topic” of the game you’re trying to make?

Honestly what you could try doing is “trick” people into giving their real birthday. In game, you ask them for their age. one time you ask them, and the second you put up a message that goes something like: Are you really sure you are [age]??? I think that younger people can’t really know that you don’t actually know their age so they might go along with it.

Content should be safe for users of all ages. Also, attempting to block <13 users is discrimination based on age. Roblox doesn’t want any type of discrimination.

Roblox helps power the imagination of our users. Those users are of all ages and come from around the world to create adventures, play games, roleplay and socialize. We strive to create a community that balances the needs, safety and interests of this truly diverse user base.

We have users of all ages and we want to create safe environment for all of them, including children.

If your game is not safe for <13 then just drop the project or make it into something suitable for them.

Discriminatory speech or actions. You are not allowed to engage in discriminatory speech or actions, based on any of the following:

  • Race or ethnic origin;
  • National origin;
  • Religion or religious affiliation;
  • Disability or disease;
  • Gender, gender identity or sexual orientation;
  • Age; or <<<<<<<<<<<
  • Veteran status.

Added the highlighting and arrow myself.

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You can not ask for PII, not even tricking them because that falls back into asking for PII.

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It’s not possible. However I don’t understand why some have a negative view of doing this if it was possible. It should be down to the developer to decide why a certain age group should not be allowed to play their game, maybe they don’t want kids playing with guns in their game for personal reasons and beliefs. It doesn’t mean the developer should be limited on what games they can make, as long as all Roblox rules are followed. Obviously the feature (if existed) is pointless due to the fact people lie about their age.

Sometimes having <13 and >13 players in one game can lead to communication issues between players due to certain things being moderated. I personally think it’s absolutely justified to separate the two age groups. Roblox themselves have 13+ items in their catalog. As much as everyone wants to include everyone there are many parts of Roblox that are not available for everyone, paid access games for example. Not everyone has the money to buy Robux, it doesn’t mean the developers are purposefully discriminating those people.

It’s not discrimination. That’s like saying a movie theater preventing a kid from going into a Rated-R movie is discrimination against children

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Roblox is a platform meant for all ages. Not all movies are for all ages. This is a non-comparison. So yes, you are discriminating.

Discrimination: “the unjust or prejudicial treatment of different categories of people or things, especially on the grounds of race, age, or sex.”
Notice the word “unjust” blocking <13 players because the content may not be suitable for them is entirely justified.
In fact, Roblox is heading in the direction game ratings which will filter out what ages can access your game.


Heading, as in, it has not happened yet. Comply with the rules as they are currently.

I never said don’t comply with the rules…Just that what you are suggesting is discrimination, is by definition not.