How do i make my game Better

I am developing a game where players must survive a plane crash and then call for a helicopter rescue. However, I’m facing several issues:

  1. The game isn’t receiving many likes or positive feedback.
  2. Average Revenue per Paying User (ARPPU) is low.
  3. Player retention is poor, with an average engagement time of 10 minutes.

I would greatly appreciate any advice or suggestions to help improve my game. Thank you!


Make the game more interesting so that players don’t get too bored on replaying it, since it’s a plane crash game i suggest you make it so that the players will have to survive once the plane crashes. Like for example, having a thirst and hunger bar. And also having some combat elements, like hostile wolves attacking players…

And to get more players itself, i recommend you advertise the game to friends or family. Discord servers works too, know couple of people who does that and they have a pretty consistent playerbase. Or, if you have spare robux you can use them to sponsor your game.


i have a thirst and hunger bar. and i don’t think i can add any more players i change the thumbnail and manage to go from 400 to 500 active players


I went ahead and played the game so this is based on my personal experience:

Primary: I suggest providing perks or incentives for players to continue to play the game. Even with a survival aspect, some players don’t see value with investing more time if there isn’t something to work up towards. This can include custom nametags or other personalization for ingame items.

Secondary: Appearance of the game is a pretty big factor, I definitely feel that there can be more effort to refine the game. People won’t fund a game long term if it doesnt seem complete or cohesive.

  • GUI’s are messy, text is too big for the holders.
  • The Buttons are not aligned properly.
  • I recommend removing all of the “buy these shirts” and just make a singular popup at the beginning to request for them to purchase, just makes the lobby very messy.
  • Change the animation for items falling out of suitcases
  1. If incentives are added you can direct players attention to like and join the group to receive an exclusive perk.
  2. Majority of your player base are young children, those who have extra spending money don’t have anything to cater to their interests. Add those things and sprucen up the game for more people to come back and invest their time and money.

I like the concept it is just unfinished atm, revenue will be hard to generate if it remains this way and replayability is just not very appealing.

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alright, How would you fix the problems? like revenue and replayability