How do i make my game less blocky?

hey there devs I’ve been wondering how to make my builds less blocky any ideas?


can you give more info? this doesnt really explain much, some pictures would be nice

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I don’t really know what to say. I guess just use more variety of shapes and textures to have a less blocky style.

sure thing here:

the main problems i see with this are the lights, and the triangles things on the roof. i dont really have any advice for you unfortunately, but that’s what i think could be changed for the better

think that will make it a bit less blocky you think?

a low poly build isnt really a bad thing. if you cant fix it, its better to just imbrace it. thats where i would start if i wanted to change your build though

ok thanks for the help :slight_smile:

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By adding small details, Use custom textures, advanced meshes, create your own shapes and add more and more to your models.


Try to make things higher poly, if they are blocky, round the corners. I think that will make it look a little less blocky.

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ill try that out thank you

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if you want more details, then add more pretty self explanitory. like how you would probably see a place where the light is installed

You can use meshes, and if there is any custom terrain in the game, you should use roblox terrain other than that I really like the build (I am not great at building so its better than anything I can make)

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Best piece of advice, learn blender you can create different shapes, and designs that are a little harder to do in the studio. Nonetheless, it is possible in the studio. A simple way is using wedges, for example, let’s say you have a square house, a square has corners, replace those corners with a wedge to get it a beveled look. Or another way is using this model set:

It contains lots have useful meshes and parts to help elevate your builds! Can’t wait to see what you do.


Use cylinders/balls, unions, and you should get into blender

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