How do you make your game more safe and secure to prevent people stealing your game or hack your game. i need help because i have all a game thats almost done and it has a lot of scripts. is there any script to do that?
Its scripting support because i need a script to do that
most free modeled anticheats have backdoors, I think a way to prevent saveinstancing is by putting animations outside of humanoids/characters, it will cause the xml thing to just mess up and they will have to manually remove it from the file before they can actually open it
oh i have custom animations in my game
Please don’t ask script in the script support section
im asking it because i need a script that can prevent hackers
No one can steal your code if you don’t share it with anyone.
You can prevent hacking by limiting your use of client-sided functionality. Remember that the hacker cannot access the server directly. However, if you have client-server interaction with remote functions or events, ensure that you are using server-side validation (check if the request is legal).
You can’t prevent a Synapse X decompiler from stealing your map and local scripts. Not sure about other executors but that’s just how it is with Synapse, had my projects stolen a couple of times too.
Oh i see now thx for the tip, i thought you need a script to prevent hackers
whats a Synapse X descompiler?
i already described this, its an exploit, a decompiler can see the rough source of modules and localscripts
Doesn’t really matter, you just have to accept that you can’t prevent people from stealing the map and local scripts.
I see not a long time a post for how to block Synapse X Decompiler but im not sure if this is working
(The post have been take down idk why or if this is fake)
Ok thx for the tip that will help me
you can actually obfuscate it and that will break the decompiler, use something like aztupbrew or psu
Obfuscation doesnt break the decompiler and makes the script run slower.
I’ve used psu premium before and it causes the decompiler to time out
Decompilers only time out if there is too much to decompile, but obfuscating also makes the script run slower
thats true but if you use a small script psu doesn’t seem to slow anything down
Then it’s going to be decompilable.