How do i make my pet look where my character is looking

I have a script that’s supposed to make your pet follow you, (Credit to TwiistedRoyalty for most part of the script), something like the video in this reply:

This is the script:

local TweenService = game:GetService("TweenService")

local Pet = game.Workspace:WaitForChild("Pet")
local HRP = script.Parent:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart")

local Velocity =, 0, 0)
local Speed = 0.2
local Friction = 1

while wait(0.2) do
	local TargetVector = HRP.CFrame.Position
	local Distance = (TargetVector - Pet.CFrame.Position)
	local Force = Distance * Speed
	Velocity = (Velocity * (1 - Friction)) + Force
	local TweenMove = TweenService:Create(Pet,, {CFrame = (( * CFrame.Angles(math.clamp(Force.Z, -1, 1), 0, -math.clamp(Force.X, -1, 1))) + Velocity)})
    --The line above is the line that i'm having trouble with.

The current issue, is that the pet is not looking where the character is. I thought about converting the into main.CFrame, but the Pet started to infinitely rotate while moving, since i have tried any method possible that i know to fix this, and none of them worked, i came here, i really need help with this script, thanks for reading :slight_smile:.


Try copying the orientation of the player’s head (or the camera) to the pet.

The problem is this part of the line:

CFrame = (( * CFrame.Angles(math.clamp(Force.Z, -1, 1), 0, -math.clamp(Force.X, -1, 1))) + Velocity)

There’s alot of math there, and i don’t know how to implement the orientation of the player’s head, or as i said, where the character is looking. But i appreciate your reply :slight_smile:

Just change the orientation afterwards in a new line?
It’s also important that you know what it’s doing, from the looks of it it’s just looking where it’s going, so maybe add the orientation change after the pet has stopped for x time.

Well, it isn’t working as expected, but at least it works in a good way! Thanks, if someone wants to know how i made it:

local TweenMove = TweenService:Create(Pet,, {CFrame = (( * CFrame.Angles(math.clamp(Force.Z, -1, 1), 0, -math.clamp(Force.X, -1, 1))) + Velocity)})
local TweenMoveEnd = TweenService:Create(Pet,, {CFrame = HRP.CFrame})
if Force.Magnitude < 0.5 then

It checks if Force is less than 0.5, because the script might be thinking, “Oh, the Pet is stopping, ok then, i’m going to play TweenMoveEnd!” TweenMoveEnd would set Pet’s CFrame to HRP’s CFrame. I hope this helps to anyone who needs it! :+1: