Hello! I am pretty new to proxies and do not fully understand how they work. I want to have my own proxy server that grabs the same information from this proxy right here: https://robloxdevforumproxy.glitch.me/users/inventory/list-json?assetTypeId=11&cursor=&itemsPerPage=100&pageNumber=%x&sortOrder=Desc&userId=1606095040
So what is the issue? I have set up my own proxy server using the proxyservice module but despite that when I try to navigate to the same URL it doesn’t work. The way I get information using the Proxyservice plugin looks like this
local Proxy = ProxyService:New('https://checkthingyes.herokuapp.com', 'Secret Key I can't share')
The code shown above does not yield the same result. What can I do to grab the same data as the other open proxy I showed previously?
Thank you for answering my question! However, it seems like the data is not structured in the same way as when I grabbed it before. This is my current function I use for grabbing the data I want from the players inventory :
["TShirt"] = 2,
["Shirt"] = 11,
["Pant"] = 12,
["GamePass"] = 34
local function GetContent(username,userid)
local Contents = {}
for iid,vv in pairs(assetid) do
local linkforplayer = "https://www.roproxy.com/users/inventory/list-json?assetTypeId="..vv.."&cursor=&itemsPerPage=100&pageNumber=%25x&sortOrder=Desc&userId="..userid
local datafromlink = http:GetAsync(linkforplayer,true)
local readabledata = http:JSONDecode(datafromlink)
local suc, er = pcall(function()
for i,v in pairs(readabledata["Data"]["Items"]) do
if v["Creator"]["Id"] == userid then
if v["Product"] then
if v["Product"]["IsForSale"] == true then
table.insert(Contents, v["Item"]["AssetId"])
if not suc then
return Contents
I know that I’m not supposed to ask you to just write a script for me. I just have a very hard time wrapping my head around how these proxies actually work. I would very much appreciate if you could help me with this!