What i mean’t with “Instant” is something like this (Thanks to TheFlamingGamerX)
And instead of it being First person, i want it to be like that every time i zoom,
i aswell tried old roblox cameras i found on toolbox but it added ControlScript which is pretty old and doenst support much stuff that my game does.
All i want is a instant camera snapping that is PlayerModule and not “CameraScript” based
i aswell tried forking the playermodule but the code is rlly hard for me to understand a thing
Get the magnitude from the players HumanoidRootPart to the CurrentCamera.CFrame.Position. if its within a certain distance eg < 10 then snap it into first person.
its cause when i go to first person or go outside theres a renderstepped that renders the stuff the player is holding and armors, when going into first person its transparent instantly, and aswell removes the armor and stuff the player is holding, but with the smoothness on, it’ll remove the stuff and the camera didnt even reach first person yet
or basically when going first person with the camera snap on it’ll unrender the stuff before the tween starts
local CharacterParts = { "Right Arm", "Left Arm" } -- Add any other parts you want visible here;
for _, part in pairs(CharacterParts) do
if game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character:FindFirstChild(part) then
local FoundPart = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character[part]
FoundPart.Transparency = 0;
Then you can use my previous answer, getting the magnitude from the HumanoidRootPart to the CurrentCamera, and snap it from there if its within a certain distance.
I apologize for misunderstanding, but my answer still stands. Theres no other way to know when to snap or unrender whatever the player has without getting a magnitude.
you HAVE to get a magnitude to know whether you should go or already are in first person to make it unrender.
The snap can be any snap you want, you don’t even have to snap to get your desired effect, however you handle the switch from rendering to unrendering the stuff is up to you.