How do i make my skinned mesh ocean looks "endless" withought lagging?

  1. What do you want to achieve?
    The system that im using was this source ,i was dissapointed after some failed attemptions

  2. What is the issue?
    All of the feature was completed exept the infiniteness of it, the infiniteness is just visuals which is big enough to be detectable from player and not really endless it - causes lagging

  3. What solutions have you tried so far?
    i tried to send the Attachment1.Position which is really close from Attachment2.Position to the ClientRender and then give it to the Attachment2 but it caused the game to laggy


if attachPos1-attachPos2<MinumunDistance then

heres my current ocean/sea mesh:

and heres the ocean that im looking for:

Sorry for poorly explaining

is there somehow to do this?

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I might be wrong, but i believe you can have the same effect by decreasing the FogEnd property in Lighting, or you can also add Atmosphere to it


yea thats works but only for small amount of sea mesh, the thing that makes the ocean looks endless is the balanced amount of the sea mesh which far enough to the FogEnd that you were saying hides the void(which is not covered by sea mesh)
btw thanks for replying!

From what i can see player can’t see ocean waves moving far away, my advice is to make rendering system and move your mesh on client, you need to sync it through remotes or smth like that, then simply create false water from blue parts far away and whoola, player wouldn’t see the void but rather far away water