How do I make my street feel more alive?

Hi all. I’ve been building a map for my game, can I have some feedback on how to improve this?


First off, I want to say that it looks pretty good! I think better lighting would definitely benefit it and maybe some more detail regarding the smaller elements, road, windows, etc. I think better lighting is really what’s going to push this over the top.


if you want to, you can look into my game and get some ideas :slight_smile:
HOTFIX | CyberCity | ALPHA - Roblox


Ok! I guess I’ll work on the road and tinker with the lighting. Thanks for you reply :slight_smile:

Wow! You’re builds are really good. There’s alot of detail in them. How long did it take you?

Hey NetFreakAdi! First off I would like to say it has a wonderful start. Something I may suggest is some streetlights, making some of the windows yellowish neon to give an effect that the lights are on and maybe some tables in the alleyway and maybe some decoration such as some hanging lights. Also as far as some buildings go, if it’s supposed to be cartoon/low poly I’d suggest adding some darker bricks of the buildings color where they should be as it is in this image- Here's a quick low poly house I made! Feedback appreciated :) : roblox (I didn’t make that house I just found an image of an example on google) Hope this helps and good luck building!


Hey there! Thanks for your reply. I really like your idea about adding street lights and tables, I think I’ll be adding that next haha. Wish me luck!

I don’t know if this idea would fit the context of the game and/or map but what if you added people in or NPCs. The streets look empty and it is literally a ghost town.

Anyways, just a thought.

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I took your guys advice, and I think it already looks way better. Thanks guys!


Hey there! I’ll give you some improvements!

  • Add NPC’s.

  • Add some realistic lighting, and some lamps.

  • Add some couches.

  • Try to use roblox terrain instead of blocky, or add some more blocky terrain instead of grass only.

I hope this helped you a bit! Good luck!

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It’s already looking better but something I’d suggest for the hanging lanterns would to make them more of a redish orange instead of so red, maybe even yellowish orange whichever looks better to you would be what I would use.

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I always had the idea of adding different npc’s (wich you can’t interact) in my buildings doing different stuff animated like reading, talking or walking to make them more humans. I never put this idea in practise because i dont know how to code them and animate them properly so maybe you can do what i never achieved :slight_smile:

Hi there!

It seems you have stolen my showcase and claimed you made it yourself,

Could you take this down

  • Joe

Please report him for copyright. I’ll report him for you too. Contact as many people as possible to report him so that he can possibly get noticed faster. This is disgusting.

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You have a pretty nice build there however there are many things you can improve.

  1. Houses, they need more detail they look very boring and dull to me, every single detail matters. From plant pots to balconies or even a ventilation system they will all improve the games look and feel

  2. The road, you just got a part changed the texture and scaled it, maybe something like a pavement, drains leading to sewers or road lines could help.

  3. I do say this a lot but it is very helpful for me. If your stuck on ways to improve look up the style of house you want to build and go through pictures. Maybe you’ll find a little detail you want to add, you never know sometimes when your stressed out trying to find something you can add and it distracts your brain from thinking further

Good luck on the rest of the building, sorry my intention is not to be mean just constructive criticism, sorry if anything I said was nonsense I was just saying what I feel. Hope this helps

Is this real???

For me, the road/path plays an important role in the scene. Due to it being a solid color all the way through makes the scene look less exciting than it really is. Maybe try and experiment with the colors and add parts to resemble tiles in order for it to give the whole scene some extra life! You could also add some nice street props like cardboard boxes or little outside dining areas. But what a nice street nonetheless, keep it up!


Yes, I went on @anon74807963 profile, and it appears that guy has just copied it and placed it in his game. :confused:

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Thanks so much for your reply, I added some props and detail to the road and I can’t believe how much more interesting it looks. :slight_smile:

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I think you should put more detail on the path. Maybe don’t make it 100% straight also a few patches of dirt might look good.

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