How do I make my UI fit all the resolutions

Hello, I was making a game and I added the hunger system, but the problem is that the gui doesn’t fit all the resolutions, it looks great in 1280x720, but there’s giant empty spaces in between the gui and the border in 1920x1080, here is a video of it.

I’ve tried using the plugin AutoScale Lite and this is the best result with it

Did you use offset or scale for Gui positions?

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To make this UI i used scale for positions

do you use scale for size though?

Do you mind showing us the AnchorPoint of your UI?


Try setting the AnchorPoint to 1, 1 and set the UI position to {1, 0},(1, 0}. This will force your UI to stay at the bottom right of the screen (which will also apply to any screen size).

An example of these values being set.

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