How do I make my viewport frame zoom in?

The video below shows how zoomed out I am on the viewport frame. I want the viewport frame to be as if you’re looking through the yellow square.

Here’s the code:

	local camera = game.Workspace.CurrentCamera:clone() 

	gallery.CurrentCamera = camera 
	camera.Parent = ViewItem
	generatePixels() -- 10,000 raycasts check every pixel in my 100x100 yellow square
	gallery.CurrentCamera.CameraType = Enum.CameraType.Scriptable 

My only solution I’ve found is to set the FieldOfView to 13.5, but that feels very arbitrary. Anything else I can try? Thanks!

couldnt you just move the camera closer

I could, but then everything seems stretched and warped, as if I cranked my FOV to 120.

cant you lower the FOV then, or is that a limitation of the roblox camera

I would need to move the camera backwards, so that when I narrow my FOV, everything fits like it’s supposed to. What I’m trying to say is, I’ve already tried that, and it sadly didn’t work. Any other ideas? Thanks!