So basically, I want my walk-sounds to be randomized by the sounds in this table below, but for some reason it plays the same sound over and over again until you decide to die, and maybe it might play a different sound. But that is not what I’m looking for.
MediaWiki is not a verified or trusted source to be disseminating information when it comes to Lua. You should be using the DevForum or the actual documentation website.
Roblox uses Luau which is built off of Lua whereas MediaWiki is actually covering the Lua language itself.
It’s not offtopic considering it’s in response to false information that was accidentally spread which is related to the main post. You can report me if you feel as though you’re right.
You’ll want a task.wait() in there to slow it down, but technically, yeah…but I suggest instead running it with each footstep, so that it isn’t lagging your game by running constantly when it doesn’t need to. You can do this using keyframe markers, running it the moment a footstep happens and then playing the sound.