Read this thoroughly before you say it doesn’t make sense, I’m horrible at explaining
So I want to make one brain token in our game equal 50 cash when they talk to the npc that converts them to cash. How could I do this? I’m not very familiar with how math in lua (or math at all, really) works…
And if the user had something, like, 5 brain tokens, they would get 250 cash. So on and so on.
Code so far:
print(player.Name.. " chose ".. choice.Name)
if choice.Name == "Convert" then
if player.leaderstats["Brain Tokens"].Value > 0 then
local tokens = player.leaderstats["Brain Tokens"]
if tokens and tokens.Value > 0 then
local cash = tokens*50
--add the cash to their current currency
local Success, Error = pcall(function()
player.leaderstats.Cash.Value += cash
--replace with path of cash value
if Success then
--set their tokens to 0 ONLY if the purchase was successful
tokens = 0
It’s pretty simple once you understand it, assuming you have cash in the player’s leaderstats already this script is going to do what you are trying to say.
print(player.Name.. " chose ".. choice.Name)
if choice.Name == "Convert" then
if player.leaderstats["Brain Tokens"].Value > 0 then
local cash = player.leaderstats:FindFirstChild("Cash")
if cash == nil then return end
player.leaderstats.Cash.Value = player.leaderstats:FindFirstChild("Brain Tokens").Value *50 -- 50 times brain tokens value equals cash value
Cash hasn’t been defined in the provided solutions but I’m assuming it would be a leaderstat along with “Brain Tokens”, also I’m not sure why that one post used pcall() as it wouldn’t really be necessary in this circumstance.
local leaderstats = player:WaitForChild("leaderstats") --load player's leaderstats
local brainTokens = leaderstats:WaitForChild("Brain Tokens")
local cash = leaderstats:WaitForChild("Cash")
if choice.Name == "Convert" then --check choice
cash.Value = brainTokens.Value * 50 --set cash to number of braintokens times 50
brainTokens.Value = 0 --reset back to 0 after conversion
Yeah I noticed that… quickly. I’m not sure why I made it the solution but it did partially help me with the math (so did the other comments).
I used proximity prompts instead by the way because we all don’t know that dialogues are client sided… yeah that sucks.
Here’s my final code though, I won’t mark anything here as a solution because technically it requires remote events, but I basically gave up on the dialogue:
local ProximityPrompt = script.Parent
local tokens = player.leaderstats:WaitForChild("Brain Tokens")
if tokens.Value > 0 then
player.leaderstats.Cash.Value += tokens.Value*50
tokens.Value = 0