How do i make only specific limbs bigger?

I’m making a game where I need to make certain limbs bigger than others. Is this possible? Like, can I have my arms massive while my legs are skinny?

I’ve seen people make their whole body bigger with the humanoid’s Body scaled, but I want to only make certain parts of my body bigger/smaller.

Can someone please tell me how I would achieve this? thanks! :smiley:

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Okay, So you want some different players to have different size parts?



30 Characters
30 Characters

Okay, so I believe it would be something to do with a local player script put that in SCS. And you would grab the humanoid of the local player and change it body size In the script.

I wouldn’t know to be honest I don’t focus into those scripts .

You can’t use LocalScripts on ServerScriptService I would recommend to actually see how the LocalScripts work.

Anyway, you can loop thru the character’s part and find what you want an example of this could be:

--[[ Variables ]]--
local character=game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.Character

--[[ Main ]]--
for _,characterpart in pairs(character:GetChildren()) do
    if characterpart.Name=="RightArm" then

Something like that. You could experiment and obviously create the code by your own. We all here are learners. @ITestForUMAYEERIBN

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Hmm okay. I will try

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30 Characters

You’re right! I just went through the parts inside the player, and just resized the parts with! Thanks so much!

No problem! I like to help the people that need it. If you need anything else, you know where to contact me. Also, if you feel better having my Discord:

  • Discord: SharkyBoy#2024
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Thanks Will do if i need more help :smiley:

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