I want particle emitters to not emit out of a set face from a part, but rather so that they are always going upwards. How can I achieve this?
Change the Motion>Acceleration value only on the Y Axis like this… no matter which face you emit from it will always have the particles fly upwards:
Just go to Emitter Properties and make it go Upwards
i tried that but it kinda made it a little bit janky…?
do i just have to fidget with the other properties to make it better?
Be more specific please, what isn’t working out the way you want?
im sorry what
what property is this lol
That property doesn’t exist, not sure what they are talking about.
From what i gather you want it to emit upwards no matter which face it emits from correct?
the fire and smoke with the speed property
the fire and smoke with acceleration
theres less of them (particles) and they last longer
(i should specify i replaced speed with acceleration, for example if my speed was 5 the acceleration is (0, 5, 0))
Ok so speed is the speed at which it emits, or leaves the part. The acceleration is its velocity. So you cant evenly switch out one for another. But yes if you want more particles then fidget with the rate, you will get more. But the acceleration is the only way to always have it move along the Y axis or upwards. If you don’t care to change the direction of the part, then obviously do it the normal way and rotate your part or change the face of the emitting.
Edit: you want your molotov to emit upwards no matter which direction it is held or thrown at it seems? This should do the trick, just play with the rate and the other properties, but you need to keep the acceleration value on the Y… also play with a higher or lower value on that until its to your liking.
Ok I dont get it, so you want to make a Particle that always facing upwards? or what?
I dont get it
but if you do maybe you should try VelocityPerpendicular, that you can found this in Orientation