How do I make parts in fake model move with parts in the real model?

Hello! I’ve recently made a chromatic effect on Roblox. It works as intended but, I cant get the chromatic models (fake model) to move with the real model. So how do I do achieve that (I am not talking about the player only. i am also talking about other models that are in workspace)

Here’s where I am rn

for _, group in pairs(workspace:GetChildren()) do
		if group:IsA("Model") then
			local realModel = group
			realModel.Archivable = true
			local redModel = realModel:Clone()
			redModel.Parent = redViewport.World

			local greenModel = realModel:Clone()
			greenModel.Parent = greenViewport.World

			local blueModel = realModel:Clone()
			blueModel.Parent = blueViewport.World

You can weld the clone and play the animation when player is moving, or just make it :MoveTo() you (that’s all i could think off tbh)

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Try fakeModel.PrimaryPart.CFrame = realModel.PrimaryPart.CFrame. Put this in a loop if you always want it to follow the realModel.

does it work without a primarypart set?

cause this isnt only for the players. its also for other models

My mistake. Maybe try Model.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame.

what you’re talking about is for the player tho, i want this to happen in every model in workspace.

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any solutions so far?

womp womp :sad: im still stuck on this situation.