How do I make players able to change ranks?

So, I have a ranking system and I would like to have players have the ability to change their ranks. Is there any way I can do this? I don’t need spoonfeeding, just some ideas and a base sketch on how I could achieve this. Thank you!


Can you give more context? Change their group rank?

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Not that, I mean like ingame custom ranks. Example,
I have 2 ranks

  1. Noob
  2. Pro
    I want the player to be able to choose which rank they want to equip
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Do you want different servers for each rank? Or just a “name tag”?

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servers? Its just a billboard gui above their head

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This is what I would do:

Put this in a server script somewhere in Replicated Storage.

local plr = game.Players.LocalPlayer
local folder ="Folder")
folder.Parent = plr
folder.Name = "Ranks"

local Value ="BoolValue")
Value.Parent = Folder
Value.Name = "Noob?"

Now you have the value. How would players choose the value?

  1. Create two text buttons in the StarterGui, inside a ScreenGui. Call them Noob and Pro and name the ScreenGui to RankSelection.

  2. Copy this script in a local script in the RankSelection

local plr = game.Players.LocalPlayer
local Ranks = plr:WaitForChild("Ranks")
local Rank = Ranks.Noob?
local ScreenGui = script.Parent
local Noob = ScreenGui.Noob
local Pro = ScreenGui.Pro

    Rank = true
    ScreenGui.Enabled = false

   Rank = false
   ScreenGui.Enabled = false

Great. Now we have the selection. Let’s make the Billboard!

Create a new BillboardGui and add a TextLabel into it. Customise and position it where you want.
Now add a local script in the TextLabel. If it doesn’t work, try adding a server script in there (I am quite new to Billboard Guis lol)

Now paste this in there.

local TextLabel = script.Parent 
local plr = game.Players.LocalPlayer
local Ranks = plr:WaitForChild("Ranks")
local Rank = Ranks.Noob?

if Rank then 
    TextLabel.Text = "False"
     TextLabel.Text = "False"

Now you are ready to go! Please tell me if there are any errors or if it worked!
Hope that helped,