How do i make players weightless and float in the air?

Title is self explanatory but, i want to make a player be weightless and just float around the air (also make it be reversible).

I have tried just turning “Massless” to true in every part of their body but it didn’t exactly work so i’m open for any suggestions, thanks!

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That’s not how massless works. You might have to use BodyPosition or something like that, but I’m pretty sure that BodyPosition is deprecated.

There’s a certain gravity amount to make the player float (I would guess 100 or 0 gravity, would make player jump high though.)
You could try setting the humanoidrootpart velocity to 0 whenever it changes but might be bugged and laggy.

Try this code excerpt:

local char = player.Character
local root = char:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart")
local force ="VectorForce")
force.Name = "FloatForce"
force.Force =, game.Workspace.Gravity * root.AssemblyMass, 0)
force.RelativeTo = Enum.ActuatorRelativeTo.World
force.Attachment0 = root.RootRigAttachment
force.Parent = root

That will make players float.