How do I make realistic clouds?

Hey, I’m trying to make a realistic cloud that cast a shadow when the cloud hit the sun or bypass the sun + I also trying to make a reflection that reflects everything in real-time for example if there a car pass some mirror the car will be see through the mirror.

So far I try making it cloud using particle emitter and here the result.
The problem with this cloud, it will disappear after a few second and make it not really look realistic xd

And meanwhile the reflection I do not get any idea how to do it.

If you guy know how to do something like I say, Please write it down since I gonna use this for my upcoming showcase

If you don’t understand what I trying to say then it ok + if I put this on the wrong category plis tell me


Turn on shadows and a SunRays modifier if you want it more realistic ( a bit confused what you really mean ) , other than that, the heavy use of particles seems like something that might cause a lot of lag. I’d recommend looking into it before adding that much particles.


Just like what Reazari said, you could add SunRays into Lighting, but I don’t think particles take any effect on it. That said, you’ll probably have to put a slightly-transparent part/hitbox around the cloud to get the effect.

This is what I mean:

As you can see, the part’s just a placeholder for which your cloud would be.


AHHH, I see thank for the tips

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