How do I make realistic water using skinned meshes?

So, I’ve been seeing all these cool waters that people have been making and I was wondering how do I do this myself? I know it’s something with skinned meshes. I just need someone to point me in the direction on how to do it.


Like this? These are transparent parts with decals in them, 4 layers of that, bubbles and smoke.

The decals are a bit transparent also.

yeah, I found a script that does that, But I want the water to be infinite and in certain areas the waves are bigger. Now I just need to find a way to get water to load and deload depending on where you are.

Ya, this really don’t have waves. I just move the layers around randomly a bit to make it look like it has motion. There is no actual water here or up and down movement.

If you’re talking about that water demo I saw also. That was a editable mesh. No clue how that was done. Maybe ask the guy that did that (and then come tell me too).

If you want real water you can edit and mess around with placement these links may help.
How would I turn a part to terrain water
Converting Parts into Terrain

To remove them you just do the same thing but with air

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Problem is that those waves cant get BIGGGGGG

You can adjust the water wave amount in the settings. Them big water demos are hardcore. Notice you never see anything around them but the water. I’m sure there isn’t going to be any real interaction for the player with that.

You first need to make a mesh in blender with plenty of triangles to be your water plane. Then you add bones to the triangles, and import the mesh.

In Roblox you run a function that creates a sin wave or a Gerstner wave and move the bones according to the points the function provides.

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Here is a tutorial for this;