How do I make someone spawn in as the Old R15 but keep their avatars look?

Hi! I don’t know if this is the right category but its the closest I could find I guess, I’m trying to use the Old R15 rig for my game because animations on it looked a lot cleaner and less jagged and I can’t seem to do it since I have no clue on how I’d get it to copy a players avatar clothes, hats, etc. I tried putting it into starter character but that doesn’t copy the players avatar so I’m kind of stuck lmfao

Go into settings (on studio) and press the avatar button. There, you can either put it as "R6, R15 or player choice.)

Thank you for the help but doing this uses the new R15 rather than the old R15, granted the difference is joint placement (i think) but makes animations and stuff look really nice

I honestly don’t know. I would guess it uses the new one.

I found a way around it by making the uhh starting pose of how the Old R15 rig looked but I really appreciate your help tysm