So , i’m trying to make an npc with a billboard gui at the top of its head. Basically , when i zoom out it becomes bigger and when i zoom in it becomes smaller. I did some research but i couldn’t find any solution for my problem.
Any help would be appreciated!
The issue occurs because you’re using offset instead of scale to size the billboard GUI and its elements, which will result in the billboard GUI always being the same size in pixels on a client’s screen. Switch over to scale.
That didn’t fix my problem.
Then you’re still using scale somewhere. If you can’t find where, I’m happy to look through a place file with the GUI.
You are not using scale. You need to use scale to size the GUI elements.
File with offset changed to scale: file.rbxl (22.9 KB)
I made an NPC with a BillboardGui that has a Frame inside of it.
BillboardGui adornee = Characters head
BillboardGui Size = {4, 0},{1, 0}
BillboardGui Size Offset = 0, 2
Frame Size = 1,0,1,0
Screenshot close:
Screenshot far:
Roblox Studio File:
BillboardGui.rbxl (22.7 KB)
Thanks so much!
Why do people use the frame method? You literally only need the Scale value of a BillboardGui’s X and Y sizes in order to retain size upon the change of distance. A frame isn’t even required. Dandystan answered this question perfectly fine the first time around.
Using offset = Gui will change size
Using scale = Gui will retain size
You’re typically encouraged to use scale when working with UIs anyway. It is the intended sizing method. Scale is scale, offset is offset, they’re literal terms.
I am so confused? there isn’t an scale option? I can’t fix mine and i’ve tried to understand what is says above.
Click the size, and you will see arrows with X and Y. If you click that, you can see the scale and offset options.
OMG!!! Thank you so much. I’ve been looking for SO long
i wouldnt recommmend using that method, instead use scalling bro.
I used this for an overhead GUI, remember to set the text to “TextScaled”, otherwise, it will continue zooming.
100% Agree with you. Makes me wonder why Scale
is not the deault by now.
It can be useful for other things. For example, maybe you don’t want an icon 1 percent of the way down the screen, you just want it to be 5 pixels away from the edge.
Also, it can be useful for billboard guis.
It can be useful for things, true, however majority of the time people are working with billboards they are using it in a construct that requires scale, not offset, which is why it should be the default.
that was my issue. didnt think it could be the reason. wild
How to make text on Billboard GUI not change?
On your textlabel, active the TextScaled