How do I make the ImageLabel transparent when its not over the frame?


I am trying to have a moving pattern of checkered squares across my GUI, but I have ran into an issue; how do I make the ImageLabel transparent when it isn’t over the frame?

Essentially, I want this part to not show when it is not over the frame.
I will use this to move it from the top left, moving downwards. But you can clearly see the pattern not on the frame, moving down onto it, and positioning itself right back at the same spot. How do I stop this, or are there any workarounds?


You could make the frame into a CanvasGroup which won’t render any UI elements outside of its bounds.

Alternatively you could set the frame's ClipDescendants property to true but it won’t hide the checker image fully (it’ll still be visible over the corners since UICorner isn’t taken to account).
Also if the checker image is rotated, it won’t get clipped, even if the ClipDescendants property is set to true.

Worked for me, thanks!
(Also, big fan of your Viewport Frame Masking :sweat_smile:)