So I was wondering how can I make the Screen Gui appear to have the same size (similar to how Billboard Gui works when you set the X and Y scale). Although, I do not know how to make it but I managed to create a script which sets the Screen Gui’s to a certain part’s position.
local Cam = game.Workspace.Camera
local Gui = script.Parent
local Frame = Gui.PressButton
local Part = game.Workspace.Thing
local RS = game:GetService("RunService")
local PartPos = Cam:WorldToScreenPoint(Part.Position)
Frame.Position = 0 , PartPos.X , 0 , PartPos.Y )
Here is the Screen Gui far away
and here is the Screen Gui up close
Long story short, I want to make the Screen Gui behave like a Billboard Gui when it doesn’t expand and such.