How do I make the User that is using VR move

So right now I have basically a rough draft of a physic VR game. I encounter an issue with making the player move. I have made controllers using VR Service that when you move your hands IRL it moves the parts in-game AKA the controllers. When I move my character or camera, the controllers stay at Vector 0,0,0 but still responding to my movements IRL. (I am using Oculus Rift btw)

I want to get the controllers to stay with the character so when I walk or rotate it follows the Player and not stay at 0.

I tried doing this but the controllers are off and don’t rotate with the camera.

-- Local Script
	repeat wait() until Started -- Waits until game is loaded and VR is connected.
	local cameraSpace = game.Workspace.CurrentCamera.CFrame
	local HEAD = VRService:GetUserCFrame(Enum.UserCFrame.Head)
	local RightHand = VRService:GetUserCFrame(Enum.UserCFrame.RightHand)
	local LeftHand = VRService:GetUserCFrame(Enum.UserCFrame.LeftHand)

	game.ReplicatedStorage.MovingHands:FireServer(HEAD,RightHand,LeftHand) -- Fires to a server script so that the hands and head move globally.
-- Server Script

function MoveHands(Player, Head, RightHand, LeftHand)
	game.Workspace.Hands:WaitForChild("Head").CFrame = (Head + Player.Character.Head.CFrame)
	game.Workspace.Hands:WaitForChild("RightHand").CFrame = (RightHand + Player.Character.Head.CFrame)
	game.Workspace.Hands:WaitForChild("LeftHand").CFrame = (LeftHand + Player.Character.Head.CFrame)


So I gave up on that and made it so that it isn’t connected to the player. I set the camera to Vector 0,0,0 and it all works fine, the controllers are correctly positioned, but you can’t move. You can move the controllers and your “head” but you just can’t move position unless you do it IRL and move around your room.

This is my first time taking on VR stuff on Roblox is the service provides hardly any information. Hopefully, someone can solve this, thanks.

don’t you want to keep firing the event so the updated position is on the server?

It fires every time when the VR controllers move. So If I move my left controller it’ll keep firing a CFrame to the server until I completely stop moving the left controller.

This is what I have now, like everything works but you can’t move. You’re stuck at vector 0,0,0 but everything else works. Once I finally get the movement working I can finally continue making a nice VR Game.

I have a solution now. What you might want to do is fire a remote event and use Network Ownership here Network Ownership | Documentation - Roblox Creator Hub you can work around with that. Then you can update the CFrame locally while the server still sees it.

I feel like your trying to make his game very vulnerable to hackers.

What is this supposed to mean? lol

Your basically saying he can use Network Ownership to be able to access server, and guess what exploiters will do with that.

Of course, they’ll use it and break your game.