I’m going for a realistic theme but not hyper realisticjust realistic enough
I improved it a littl bit
still if suggestions are appricaiated
I’m going for a realistic theme but not hyper realisticjust realistic enough
I improved it a littl bit
still if suggestions are appricaiated
Add maybe some plants, trash or small puddles of water
check images of ‘large city storm drains’ online to see what details you can add.
Add maybe a bit of moss, puddles, leaves etc. maybe if you make it a bit more realistic like different material a bit and cracks in the wall otherwise I think it looks pretty good!
Google some storm drain images and see what they have that you don’t, some examples of details storm drains have is:
Trash and garbage lying around.
Puddles of water/mud
Unclean concrete(each tile usually has dirt on it or has a slightly different hue)
plants or moss didn’t fit in that well, and I’ve added some metal scraps as trash but I might add more variation. I added some puddles too, and cracks, and a bridge, I will also look into adding graffiti. I also gave each concrete tile a slightly different hue.
I also did this and after searching for like 20 minutes finally found the correct term “open” storm drain and so I was able to see better pictures, so I made mine wider and did some other stuff I forgot
You should tell everyone what theme you’re going for.
ok I added it
Like horror, fantasy, calm, nature.
I guess it’s calm or generic or something
Have you tried the AI Material generator, It’s 200x Better than the default Materials
Ok. To me the map currently seems like a military base so add lots more trees and foliage, (bit less concrete). Add a nice skybox, make the grass a bit greener. Just add lots more shade. As I said before it looks like a military site so make everything rounder (less brutalist).
Or use an online texture resource.
soon it’ll be a residental area around it, but since this is a storm drain I can’t really add that much foliage in it, although soon I’ll add some aroun dit
yeah but the results it gives me are not really fitting, and some just give me nightmares, for example when I generate concrete, it generated holes and something felt off about those holes,
those holes are NOT safe I am never using the material generator again I am scared for my life is that what the surface of a distant planet looks like?!!?!!?? I even said “concrete that doesn’t give me nightmares” and it still is giving me nightmares
Just change your Studs Per Tile setting to shrink the texture down to a realistic proportion. Try something like 1 instead of 10.
Or choose a name like Smooth Concrete.
right now I’m sticking to default concrete because that texture is still scaring me, and I notice a lot of the textures it generates are very noticeable when repeating, even with organic selected
I will try smooth concrete if I ever experiment with the material generator again
ok wait I accidently deleted the images and idk how to get them back oh wel