How do I make this medieval build seem more lively?

This is a small medieval house/blacksmith stable I’ve been working on, I like how it’s turned out but I’d like some advice on how to make it seem more lively and full, as for how it is right now it feels a bit empty and bland.


As far as making it feel more “lively” goes, I think that you can accomplish this entirely with lighting. The dark areas and windows kind of give it a bit of a gloomy feel and lighting them up and making them bright could help with that.

As far as making it fuller, just add in some random details and keep playing with them until you get something you like. If it’s a blacksmith he might have multiple anvils, he might have a rack to hang different size hammers off of, he might have another shelf with finished projects on it, as well as a lantern so he can see what he’s doing (back to lighting.)

Hope this helped!


I would do some more medieval landscaping as well as work on the lighting.

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I love the design of this house! To make it look more lively on the outside, you could add plants, trees, or flowers. Right now, there’s only grass, so that might help.

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Oh, I love the idea of the racks and hammers, I’ll make sure to add that!

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Doing simple stuff just like looking up reference photos will give you ideas for more details to add, like this right here.


In many medieval structures and architecture, it was common practice for smaller buildings and cottages to have their support beams cemented into the actual walls (pictured). Typical earlier medieval cottages also typically had much steeper thatched roofs. This was largely due to the fact that steeper roofs helped prevent collapse from rain and snowfall, as these structures werent exactly the peak of modern engineering. This also has the added benefit of making your build larger and more characteristic, rather than a 2 story 1950’s McMansion in the bay area.
Good luck!


Thanks, I’ll try to implement them into the build, thanks for all the ideas and improvements :slight_smile:

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Add some barrels, some more tools, a weapon rack like this;

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Medieval houses often have wooden window shutters or some kind of a flower basket under the window. They also had the habit of adding more and building onto the side of buildings as seen on the piciture I provided.
The second floor is also brought out a little more, you’ve done the same but you could add the support beams under the 2nd floor and that would make your building look a lot better.
Maybe you could also liven up the chimney, give it more of a medieval shape.
Good luck!

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I would work on lighting by simply adjusting the brightness, contrast, saturation and possibly even adding blur or bloom to it. This is a good structural layout.