Warning: I suck at scripting, so I apologize if I don’t understand your answers/questions!
I’ve made a little car with some emergency lights on it, and when I put the vehicle into a large game I’d like the lights to flash at normal speed.
The issue is, the lights are flashing very slowly… Although this is understandable due to how large the game is.
I’ve tried looking for anything on how to make scripts run faster but since I’m not really a master at code all of the solutions were very confusing to me. I know that internet connection matters in this but I was hoping there was a way to make it so people with a slower connection can still see the lights flash the same. I’ve experienced a couple of times when this game didn’t have the slow lights and they were flashing at normal speed, but that’s only happened once.
Seems to me like both the lights are 2 different scripts make 1 script handle all the lights then if one light is slower both lights will be so it will go on and off together. also the random numer generator at the top of your script does not help holding them in sync.
And how many lights in total are scripted like this?
If you group all the items in one vehicle to flash with a local script as @Lobestone said it should help a bit.
The issue I see is that it slows down according to the size of the game you are in. That indicates it’s the game that is the cause of the lag, not the light script.
Since I’m not the best at scripting I may not be understanding your message very well, so sorry about that, but how would I go about making the clients render the flashing effect? And when you say “It’s best for fast flashing items to inside a localscript…” you mean by having the same script I have shown, just in a localscript?
Edit: The guy above you also mentioned the lights being in sync, I couldn’t really understand if he was saying they were supposed to be in sync or if they weren’t. I don’t really want them to be in sync, just for realism.
local TweenService = game:GetService("TweenService")
local light = script.Parent
local flashTween = TweenService:Create(light, TweenInfo.new(0.05, Enum.EasingStyle.Quint, Enum.EasingDirection.InOut, 3, true), {Transparency = 0})
local on = light.Parent.on.Value
on = value
while task.wait(math.random() * 0.5) do
if on then
This is probably because I haven’t done the rendering part but I’m not 100% sure, in the large game the LocalScripts made the lights not flash at all. They were just visible doing nothing. But once again probably because I haven’t done the rendering part.
Had the same issue with this, lights not flashing. I noticed it was asking me to put a “)” on “end” after the “light.Parent.on.Changed:…” so I did that. Both with and without ending that, the lights did nothing. Am I doing something wrong?
Edit: once again, I suck at scripting, so I’m very sorry if I’m not understanding your guys’ messages correctly.
Make sure that you got the most recent edit. Also make sure that the on variable is true, so turn on the value in the “on” instance.
Using task.wait() instead of my script might solve it since it’s connected to the render.
local TweenService = game:GetService("TweenService")
local light = script.Parent
local flashTween = TweenService:Create(light, TweenInfo.new(0.05, Enum.EasingStyle.Quint, Enum.EasingDirection.InOut, 3, true), {Transparency = 0})
local on = light.Parent.on.Value
on = value
while task.wait(math.random() * 0.5) do
if on then
Although this may not be the best example to use in a localscript, this would work.
Have the part name be FlashingLight
and simply drop this localscript into StarterPlayerScript and disable the server script.
This will entirely offload the part’s flashing function to the client to handle, therefore reducing any network overhead by a simple on variable. So as long as the client doesn’t lag at all, this would work.
local Rand = Random.new()
function HookLight(v)
while true do
wait(Rand:NextNumber(0.01, 0.1))
if v.Parent.Parent.on.Value == true then
v.Transparency = 0
v.Transparency = 1
v.Transparency = 0
v.Transparency = 1
v.Transparency = 0
v.Transparency = 1
v.Transparency = 1
wait(.5) -- better to wait a bit more if it's off.
for i,v in next,workspace:GetDescendants() do
if v.Name=="FlashingLight" then
if v.Name=="FlashingLight" then
If you do want to slightly optimize this to not be so demanding on checking for a new vehicle to be added, the DescendantsAdded Connected event can be changed to ChildAdded and check if the name of the new model in workspace matches the vehicle model name.
This is definitely gonna sound like a super noob question to you, and I apologize, but what exactly is the “server script” you’re wanting me to disable? The flashing script in the lights or something else? I assume you mean the flashing script but I just wanted to make sure.
Server scripts are Scripts. This is just an alternate name for them since the server runs these scripts, not the player. Local scripts are run by the player instead.
He’s telling you to disable or remove all of original light script you’re using and to instead add a single Local script into StarterPlayerScripts or something.
Using local scripts helps reduce the lag from the server by letting the player run the heavy code and rendering instead of the server.
Yeah the lights are just sitting there visible, not flashing. Should “on” not be true when I load up the game, or maybe the lights should be Transparent?
Try this version instead and see if anything prints in the output.
Be sure the part you want flashing is named FlashingLight and in the ParentParent of FlashingLight, the on value exists.
This should be inserted into a localscript and put into StarterPlayer > StarterPlayerScripts
local Rand = Random.new()
function HookLight(v)
while true do
wait(Rand:NextNumber(0.01, 0.1))
if v.Parent.Parent.on.Value == true then
v.Transparency = 0
v.Transparency = 1
v.Transparency = 0
v.Transparency = 1
v.Transparency = 0
v.Transparency = 1
v.Transparency = 1
wait(.5) -- better to wait a bit more if it's off.
for i,v in next,workspace:GetDescendants() do
local x,y=pcall(function()
if v.Name=="FlashingLight" then
if not x then
local x,y=pcall(function()
if v.Name=="FlashingLight" then
if not x then
You saying output just made me remember to tell you this and chances are, this is probably part of the problem;
Due to how large the game is, the output gets filled with so many errors INSTANTLY. So that would take me a while to fix up. Although none of the errors are errors that should be that bad, they’re just errors telling me some lights don’t exist, and I’m aware of that. Just got to delete a lot of scripts and that should remove most errors.
If the lights are always flashing (player can’t turn them on/off) and you want the lights to flash alternating (LH on, RH off, then RH on LH off) you could also rewrite @Lobestone’s script to have 2 groups of lights and have group 1 turn on while group 2 turns off, then switch them so 1 is off while 2 is on.