How do i make this sign from Western Template

I need help knowing what font this is. I know there is a plugin but maybe there are other ways of doing it would love to hear what i can do!

It looks like the sign is made from parts and wedges although there is a plugin for making 3D texts called ThreeDText.

Do you by any chance know what font this is or do you think its just random parts and wedges to make a word

I think it’s more of like a “makeshift” font where he puts together parts and wedges to form letters, sort of like what you would do in Minecraft (using slabs, stairs and blocks to form letters).

Hi Lua!

You should try this plugin ThreeDText Plugin: Generate 3D text quickly!

i used a third party site to find the font it looks right but it doesnt seem to be on roblox studio

Well then he most likely just put together parts and wedges to make the letters.

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