Earlier, I created a post about making UI larger on different screens.
I was wondering how I could do the same with making UI smaller on different screens, and if so, how can I do this?
NOTE: The UI I’m sizing smaller is mainly text buttons in rows of horizontal lists
The solution is the exact same. You use the scale values instead of offset.
Where do I change this? Last time, I was given advice to use a plugin, but I wasn’t entirely sure of what I was doing.
I am not a fan of the plugin, but I can say that.
unlike 3D object UI size kinda shows like this {1,100},{1,100} or something like {1.001,100},{1.001,100}
based my experience, the number in the left is the parent %
1 = 100%
0.5 = 50%
and the number in the right is pixels, that is why some UI always fit the screen size and shape, while some keeps it’s original shape but not size.
so if you want the UI size changes in different screens, you should use the number in the right
This is a strange question, but will this work in a frame with a lot of buttons (over 20)
well sure amount is ot a problem.
example you have 2000,2000 and you want to make them line up until 5 each and 4 lines again under it.
then just make a buttun with the size 300,300 each so they can give a space
In this case, my buttons are sized {0, 51},{0, 49} each, and they are in 6-7 horizontal lists (each list being a separate frame). Would I do this for each frame, or would I have to do something different?
If your using the uilistlayout then just change the buttons to scale instead of offset for size, you can add an aspect ratio constraint if you want them to stay the same shape
I tried doing this, but this is happening:
This seems to happen when I change the UI Size to {1, 0},{1, 0} for each button. Is this what I’m supposed to do? (It was originally set to {0, 51},{0, 49} for each button)
This is how my UI is set up:
Use UIAspectRatioConstraint on every single frame even texts, it will resize it according to the screen while maintaining the diffrence between the y axis and x axis
Thank you! I will try doing this right now.