How do i make VR

You can write your topic however you want, but you need to answer these questions:

  1. What do you want to achieve? Keep it simple and clear! VR script with a ball under your character that moves when you move the left joystick

  2. What is the issue? Include enough details if possible! since im new at programming. i cant program a entire VR script myself

  3. What solutions have you thought of so far? Nothing

i want my game to be like EdgeWorks

I don’t mean to shoot down your grand ambitions but if you don’t have experience programming then a VR game might not be the best place to start. Even if you ignore the complete lack of good VR documentation from what I’ve been able to find. VR is one of the hardest genres of games to develop. Especially something like EdgeWorks which is one of the most ambitious and advanced games on Roblox. I would recommend practicing on some other projects and learning Luau then once you know more coming back to this idea.


Sorry but i dont think the dev forum is the place to ask for scripts and i dont recommend going for a vr script from the start of scripting

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Thanks. ill do it soon. i guess i have to use Nexus VR Character Model because i like it


im already new to programming and made VR for the first time. and it worked
the only problem is grabbing is hard