And accualty how do i make water to hit to the terrain because in normal it just like this:
not hitting to sand
This is impossible for making with terrain water.
But there is some way for make this system:
You want to make it like, go into the land and back? Like irl waves? I’m not sure if it’s possible with terrain water, though you can achieve it with block water by simply making it slowly raise and lower.
Yes ı want it like go into land and back
Well, as I said, it’s probably impossible with the terrain water. If you really need this effect, you should consider using part water instead.
To the best of my knowledge you could increase wave size located in Terrain which is in workspace and then growing the water into the sand so its blending in (no sharp edges)
There is no other possible way I can think of.
But making parts and make them similar to terrain water is to hard to make.
The best solution using Roblox terrain is to alter the WaveSize and WaveSpeed properties in the Terrain
instance in your Studio explorer. If you need help to find this, let me know.
Alternatively, you would have to make a custom wave system using a different method (beams, meshes, parts, etc.), which is a whole other topic on its own. Unfortunately there is no real easy way of doing this in the way that I think you are trying to do.
yes ı am trying to do this with water terrain , and also there is no way to add script to terrain water and design your own water wave , before ı just made a water splash effect but with a part ı just scaled the part to the water and when ı touch to the part which is on the water it just made a water splash effect , so ı mean is there any way to make a water wave system same as this algorithm/way.
Like I mentioned before, making your own water system isn’t an easy thing to do. What I would recommend you doing is just increasing the wave size and wave speed until the result is as close as possible to what you want, without doing unnecessary work.
If you want to go on with making your own wave system, which I do not recommend, you would have to find a way to make waves appear on the players screen. Some ways I’ve seen before use beams and attachments, skinned meshes, or parts.
Then, you would offset the ‘waves’ based on some wave algorithm.