How do i make when a Part hits a Part is spawns in a Part?

I have figured out how when a part hits a part it destroys the part, but i need something that could replace that part. I need this to make a smooth system that deletes a tool from your inventory, this tool is a key to destroy the door, i have made a hitbox inside of that that deletes that specefic key. But i want to make it a bit smoother, when you destroy the door, the delete tool part spawns in to delete the tool, once that is finished, the part destroys itself.

Could anyone help me with this?

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After when you destroy the part, you can just create a new part instance and then just specify the location, size, orientation, parent and properties


Oh no i have done it by creating a new action secuence, using ServerStorage, and specify which part i want to clone into the Workspace, then wait 0.5 and then it destroys itself.

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