How do I move parts that are welded while not destroying the weld in the process?

The title says it all, I want to move a part that is welded to another part without destroying the weld, is there any way to do this?

¿Did you try with WeldConstraint?

yes those are the welds that im using, I want to move that part without the weldconstraint destroying itself

u can set cframe to the main part welded

i know that if i do this the weld dosent destroy itself but I want to move the part that is being welded to the main part

oh in this case is so annoying

do I have to move it then weld it again? I wanted to avoid this since I thought there might be another way of doing it

Do you mean in game, or in Studio?

We need a bit more information about the 2 parts (like is either one Anchored?) and how you are trying to move them (CFrame, physics, using a placement script in-game, etc.)

You can use MoveTo for models, or if you need to CFrame move a single Part and have the other Unanchored Parts welded to it move as well then you can Tween just the Anchored Part and use WeldConstraints without them breaking.

With scripts:
Try setting the WeldConstraint’s Enabled property to false, moving the part, then re-enabling it.

With the studio tools (move, rotate, scale, etc):
WeldConstraints should not “break” when either Part0 or Part1 are moved, if they are regular Welds/Motor6Ds/etc (There is a difference), your gonna have to set C0 and/or C1 with a script.

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