How do I name an instance the name of another instance and the name of the player?

I’m putting a list of animations in a table and I want to reference each animation as what type of animation it is and what player its playing to. For example, I want a sprinting animation playing on my character to be animations.Sprint.Mopsey2017

local animations = {}
animations.Sprint = {}
animations.Sprint['Mopsey2017'] = animation

this doesn’t really work for my situation cuz im doing this in a loop. I figured I could concatenate them together but now I needa know how to reference them. Here’s the code to make everything clearer:

for _, Animation in pairs(ReplicatedStorage.StandFolder["Stand Lean"]:GetDescendants()) do
			if Animation:IsA("Animation") then
				standAnimations[Animation.Name..player.Name] = stand.AnimationController:LoadAnimation(Animation)

the “stand” and “stand animations” are for the player’s stand (like a jjba stand, if you dont know its just an ability that is kind of a spririt)

I gave a raw example of how you’d do it manually. You can implement that into a loop with some basic modifications. Although I don’t really get the point for this particular usage.

oh interesting. I’ll try it then. Also since the stand is client sided I have to also make all the animations client sided. Its a pain and I have to store every single person’s animations separately because I’m using animation blending

I don’t fully understand, but I wish you luck. Also animations are all supposed to be client-side anyway.

its hard to explain. Thanks tho

If your trying to reference the instance in a dictionary then you would do standAnimations[Animation.Name..player.Name]

I’m not sure if this is what you were looking for but

I want to reference a specific animation but when I do standAnimations[Lean..player.Name] I get an error