Ok so this might be confusing. Im not sure how to word it but basically I want to nest functions in other functions in a module script. So i have 3 functions here
I want Rotate and Rocks to go inside of the Orb function but everytime I do that it throws an error because the script im requiring the functions on is not detecting the rotate and rocks function only the orbs function.
In short im asking how to nest functions in a module script
You could use OOP for this, but I’m not sure about the “Putting functions inside functions” as they are basically already in a table, and putting them inside each other defeats the purpose of reusable, unless you mean this:
function Global() -- First function (Global)
local function Local() -- Local Function
sorry for the bad video but the idea is when the fireball hits something the VFX(Rotate) and Rocks
function plays. I miss a few times at the beginning but eventutally it works
but i keep getting a attempt to call nil value because the module script i passed the arguments in isnt detecting the Rock, nor Rotate function
also ignore the yellow circle you see at my mouse thats my video recorder doing that for some reason. Sorry its a new video recorder im testing out.
For the First Image you are basically creating threads, It is important to note that spawn is deprecated and should be replaced with task.spawn()
Second Image is an Array of functions, nothing important
For your last image, there is a reason you use OOP for this, instead of you adding functions to functions, Here is a Basic Example of OOP:
local module = {} -- Module table
module.__index = module -- metamethod (important if you want to fire module functions)
function module.GetSomething()
local self = setmetatable({}, module) -- creates metatable (aka stronger table)
self.Something = "string" -- index within metatable (important)
return self -- returns metatable
function module:PrintSomething() -- different function operator
return print(self.Something) -- self is already specified, no need to add any specification
return module -- returns table
local mod = require(module) -- Module
local Something = mod.GetSomething() -- Gets metatable from function
Something:PrintSomething() -- "string" (self was specified)
Plus, I think Using OOP is a lot better than this:
function module.MoreFunctions()
local Array = {}
function Array.Thing()
print"Hi, Why are you doing this???"
-- this is basically a module INSIDE a module
return Array
or this:
function Global()
local function Local()
return Local
am assuming you wanna do this
local new = SpinVFX.Orb(arg)
if that’s the case then
there are a few ways
one is this way
local SpinVFX = {}
function SpinVFX.Orb(arg)
-- do stuff here
local new = {} -- table to store functions of SpinVFX.Orb, can add properties of "orb" into table (e.g. Size = Vector3.one; CFrame = CFrame.identity), you can do custom properties too like "Instance = (actual orb instance here)"want to
function new.Rotate(arg)
-- rotate func
function new.Rocks(arg)
-- rocks func
return new -- return the function
return SpinVFX
the other way is this way (no idea how to explain, looks fancier tho)
local SpinVFX = {}
local Orb = {} -- contain functions of SpinVFX.Orb
function SpinVFX.Orb(arg)
-- do stuff here
local self = {
-- properties of "orb" here (e.g. Size = Vector3.one; CFrame = CFrame.identity), you can do custom properties too like "Instance = (actual orb instance here)"
return setmetatable(self, {__index = Orb}) -- this thing, no idea how to explain without it being overly complicated
function Orb:Rotate(arg) -- ":" instead of ".", now it's basically same as Orb.Rotate(self, arg)
function Orb:Rocks(arg)
return SpinVFX
Some people would say to do self.Ex = "" rather than: self = { Ex = "" }
Usually so you can access another index, plus doesn’t require commas or semi colons.
self = {
Number = 123912312;
concat = "Number_"..self.Number; -- does not work
concat = "Number_"..Number; -- doesnt work either
concat = "Number_"..self[Number]; -- neither does this
You can do this. Its complaining probably because you’re trying to say an inner function also belongs to an outside table, which isn’t allowed. What you want probably looks like this:
local staticLikeProperty = 2
function Orb()
local orb = {}
local privateLikeProperty = 5
orb.publicLikeProperty = 10
function orb:MyOrbFunction()
return self.publicLikeProperty + privateLikeProperty + staticLikeProperty
return orb
I also use this pattern and it works a lot better than metatable based OOP.
You can then call MyOrbFunction like a member function:
local newOrb = Orb()
newOrb:MyOrbFunction() --newOrb will be implicitly passed as 'self'
Statements inside MyOrbFunction can access both members of the orb table, and local variables in Orb() which will be different for each object returned by calls to Orb(), you can use this feature to make some parts of your object effectively private. You can also access variables in the scope above Orb(), and those will be shared between all Orbs, so they can act as static.