Roblox moderation is really broken, you don’t expect bots to be as intelligent as human moderators. Unfortunately it’s not something you can avoid, mistakes will be made
I have hope Roblox is improving their moderation as time goes on
A few of my friends came across this issue as well and to give you a simple and quick answer, there isn’t a way to stop receiving warnings for the textures and other assets you choose to upload. ROBLOX has a weird way of giving out moderation warnings and I know people who’ve actually been terminated because of this. Not sure why you’d be moderated for that image but there is a way to clear yourself of that moderation warning and use the texture; just simply appeal it through email and let them review your asset (by an actual human) and let them decide!
They do, however as said in this post right here, it’s hard to moderate hundreds of assets a day with only humans. Of course some auto moderation is implemented to make it easier, but will not always be accurate
I don’t wanna be the one to say they are wrong (because I’m not 100% sure) but they do moderate things that don’t need to be moderated for no reason a lot. This is why many people believe they have some sort of automated system to do it for them.
Yeah lol, but I had PMed the group once and I had received a response the next day. Even though it could be a little bit inconvenient, it’s the only solution out there except for Roblox Support.
I still stand by what I said in this post. Roblox has humans on each moderation team and that includes image moderation. The most a bot might do is flag an image for manual review or check a new asset against a previously declined one: a bot itself does not accept or reject images.
If you have trouble uploading an asset, message the Moderation Review Requests group.
@Discgolftaco231 That statement was made based off of staff replies to public threads countless times regarding moderation, it’s not my own opinion.
Appealing has never worked for me. I’ve never been responded to, ever. Not saying it can’t happen, but I am saying I’m very rapidly losing trust in the system.
Three years later we have the same problem, it’s not going to get better.
Edit: I recieved my first appeal response from a staff member the other day, basically telling me that they cannot appeal content because it’s automatically removed from roblox when flagged.