How do i order these statements?

I want to order these if statements so it happens in this order, marked in the script provided

if played == true then -- for some reason this only works if i write == true
			if starter == true then --when starter value == true only this should happen
				terrain = workspace.maps.starter_bunker.terrain:WaitForChild("cubes"):GetChildren()
				mapobj = workspace.maps.starter_bunker.obj:GetChildren()
				spawnpos = workspace.maps.starter_bunker.spawns["1"]
				spawnrot = spawnpos.rot.Value
				print("Starter bunker being saved.")
			else --When played is true and starter is false this should happen
				terrain = workspace.maps[Player.Name].terrain:WaitForChild("cubes"):GetChildren()
				mapobj = workspace.maps[Player.Name].obj:GetChildren()
				spawnpos = workspace.maps[Player.Name].spawns["1"]
				spawnrot = spawnpos.rot.Value
				print(plr.Name.."'s bunker being saved.")
		else --When played and starter is false, do this
			terrain = workspace.maps.default_bunker.terrain:WaitForChild("cubes"):GetChildren()
			mapobj = workspace.maps.default_bunker.obj:GetChildren()
			spawnpos = workspace.maps.default_bunker.spawns["1"]
			spawnrot = spawnpos.rot.Value
			print("Default bunker being saved.")

Above is what I tried and even when starter is true, it loads the default bunker instead of the starter bunker.