How do i pass over datastore instance

so recently i have been making a game, and i need too pass over the userid for the reserved server owner since reserved servers dont have deafault owners. and it is a instance how do i pass over instances? place 1 : `createServerButton.MouseButton1Click:Connect(function()
local code, id = TS:ReserveServer(psid)
local NewJoinCode = GenerateServerInviteCode()
GlobalPrivateServerDS:SetAsync(id, 0)
CustomServerJoinCodesDS:SetAsync(id, NewJoinCode)
ServerNamesDS:SetAsync(NewJoinCode, id)
ServerAccessCodesDS:SetAsync(id, code)
PrivateServerOwnerIdDS:SetAsync(id, plr.UserId)
local ServerInfoDictionary = {
ServerName = script.Parent.GetServerName:InvokeClient(plr),

ServerInfoDS:SetAsync(id, ServerInfoDictionary)
table.insert(servers, NewJoinCode)
local success, errorMessage = pcall(function()
	LocalOwnedServersDS:SetAsync(plr.UserId, servers)



place 2 : game.ReplicatedStorage.PrivateServerOwnerValue.Value = PrivateServerOwnerIdDS:GetAsync(id) print(game.ReplicatedStorage.PrivateServerOwnerValue.Value)

If what you’re trying to do here is pass an Instance over a DataStore, you can’t pass instances over DataStores, MessagingService, or cross network.
You have to get the data you need from the Instance and pass it over as a string or somethin.